Thursday, January 18, 2018

14” Bandsaw – Tension leaf spring 1

The upper wheel assembly still needs a tension leaf spring which acts like a damper to absorb upper saw vibrations. This also prolongs blade life.

Above is cropped photo is from the original 14” bandsaw that was lost in the shed fire last year. If you look closely the top length of pine that has been resawn twice, meaning cut length wise or ripped twice – into three pieces. They are stacked in cut order, clamped and a clearance hole bored for the big tension rod. As the crank handle is wound up to set correct blade tension the ‘leaf spring’ bends under the load to act as a vibration damper during operation.

Here I going to resaw this pine twice - for three leafs.

This of course is the first time I’ve done this type of cut on the saw, that is a very good result Thumbs up

This is how it sits on the top…and we just had a seniors moment !!!

I should have used a larger wider bit of timber!, by the time a 3/4” plus hole is bored in the centre for the tension rod the thing will be to weak and collapse under tension load – Crikey.

OK…made another leaf spring from 90 x 35 pine and look how nicely she cut that !!!

With a smile on my face off to take a break.

Back soon...

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