Friday, November 18, 2022

Refurbishing BBQ table - Part 4

 Sanding and painting the table and benches then finish with a lick of paint.

Sanding and sanding...

Bailey outdoor enclosure-

This animal cage along with many 'used' modified gazebos (into cat runs) was purchased something like 15 years ago. I'm sketching some ideas on paper to use that as the base for a cat play enclosure.

This cage was mainly used mainly by Chester - see next photo.

Refurbishing BBQ table - Part 3

 Not able to really get out the last few days but did manage late yesterday when the cloud cover moved on and the sun came out to fill in holes with homemade putty. Sawdust mixed with watered down PVC glue. I should be able to sand down this afternoon.

Glad I managed to do this late yesterday afternoon so I can sand down this afternoon.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Bailey cat tower - update

 After a slow start he is playing on his his cat tower more often and today even using it for napping.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Refurbishing BBQ table - Part 2

 Screwed on that last board at the back of the table and braced the legs.

With the last board screwed down there's bit of bracing sticking out; that was planned because I'll run some timber along the back to stop stuff falling of the back edge of the table.

Refurbishing BBQ table - Part 1

 I made this BBQ table (with bench seats) from left over hardwood flooring after the house was built - 50 years ago!

Anyway... did I say refurbish it's actually a tear down and salvage what I can.

This photo was taken in 2019 when Al's Workshop was in full swing and I used the table mainly for spray painting. It was starting to rot so I covered the thing with a tarp.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Watching Zombie movie with Bailey


Rock wall garden edging - Part 5 final

 Backfilling and tidy up

Finally we can backfill soil on one side and pebbles on the other.

Before that I need to do something about the bulging metal edging. Decided to cut and overlap so it sits flush with the timber edging - along here.

Rock wall garden edging - Part 4

Stakes and screws to secure the fence paling boards.

Prepping to secure the board joins with stakes.

Stand for fishing rod cat toy


Bailey loves this thing from the Reject Shop, so much that we don't have the energy left to hold and flick it around - lol.

Rock wall garden edging - Part 3

Installing the fence paling edging.

Finally with good weather yesterday and was able to continue yard activities, in particular painting the fence palings. This morning we are fitting them along the trench in front of the existing metal edging.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Bailey in Yoga position

Check out this yoga position his back legs are where the front ones should be lol


Rock wall garden edging - Part 2

Last week the weather forced me to down tools on this project.

Having said that I could have continued under cover in the carport but then Bailey came along!

This is where we left off and the next stage was to prep and paint the fence palings.

Bailey - still recovering from yesterday.


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Bailey - Stairwell barriers 4

 Been busy with other things including coping with a little fur thing lol. At the end of the last session started putting up two rows of gutter guard but changed my mind and continued using the plastic fencing for the very top 'droop barrier row'.

Using clothes pegs to hold the mesh in place makes it a lot easier to align and cable tie.

Bailey - reading morning news

Reading morning news

Trying to read the morning news but all I'm doing is sipping my morning coffee.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Bailey - Stairwell barriers 3

With the top fencing done we need to go back and fence in that narrow section between the top and bottom barriers.

This is where we left off in Part 2

Bailey - Stairwell barriers 2

 With the bamboo poles cable tied we can start with the barrier fencing.

Picking up from yesterday we can start the fencing.

Looking for the Wi-Fi Chicken Doors?

Stay tuned... over the next few days I will be catch-up posting the Wi-Fi chicken Doors. Oh... and my Wi-Fi Bird Feeder. I'll be back...