Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Toilet break


Shyla - the older kids K9, is there such a thing as a grand pet? We visit her most days around lunchtime, she knows the routine and while I am out the back with her for toilet and play ET (the wife) is inside preparing her treats and checking on the two cats – and fish tank temperature! I was trying to get her to hold the round “saucer like” plastic thing in her mouth – no luck.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Holly our 6yo golden retriever has a lump!


We booked her in today for 2:00pm visit to the vet. Been here before and know what to expect, needle aspiration then wait with fingers (and toes) crossed while they check under the scope. Good news is she is OK, no cancer cells just fatty ones – PHEW!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Retirement - two years on


Pulled the plug on July 10th 2010, the clock radio still wakes me every morning but these days it's set for 8:15am - not 6:30am. One of the nice things about retirement is being able to do what you want when you want - and not have answer to anyone.

Looking for the Wi-Fi Chicken Doors?

Stay tuned... over the next few days I will be catch-up posting the Wi-Fi chicken Doors. Oh... and my Wi-Fi Bird Feeder. I'll be back...