Thursday, October 26, 2023

Wi-Fi Bird feeder - Part 4


This morning we are making a stand for the Wi-Fi Bird Feeder.
Don't have any preconceived ideas about this one and certainly no napkin sketch. Let's go for a stroll around the place and see what we can find.

Collected some stuff including a bamboo pole. Thinking... the PVC pipe sits in the middle and we need a plate to hold it together with a centre hole for the PVC pipe.

Found a nice pine offcut, that hole saw is about 1.5mm undersize so we are going to be doing some rasping.

This is going to take a while there's a lot to rasp.

About 20 mins has passed... nearly there.

It's a good thing I am ambidextrous with most things!

We need to screw that down.

One leg is a bit smaller so we have to shim that.

With the legs aligned and spirit level spot checks we can screw everything down.

ALDI WorkZone brackets.

Transfer to floor and slide in the bamboo pole.

Taking shape...

Time for lunch break.

In the next session we'll decide on the bamboo pole height and work out how to mount the feeder.

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Looking for the Wi-Fi Chicken Doors?

Stay tuned... over the next few days I will be catch-up posting the Wi-Fi chicken Doors. Oh... and my Wi-Fi Bird Feeder. I'll be back...