Saturday, October 28, 2023

Wi-Fi Chicken Door - Upgrade 1

Yesterday we did the cookie sheet upgrade to external annex door. Today we are doing the same upgrade to the internal chook run door.

Removing the door frame.

Back to the weorkshop.
On the right you can see the amount of width we have to reduce,

Closer view.

No need for any more photos of this, the frame and the door has assembled, tested and installed.

Let's move onto the door bottom edge guards

Back out in the chook run we are installing door bottom edge guards to both doors. This is the internal one.

Working on the external door.

We are done installing both the door bottom edge guards.

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Looking for the Wi-Fi Chicken Doors?

Stay tuned... over the next few days I will be catch-up posting the Wi-Fi chicken Doors. Oh... and my Wi-Fi Bird Feeder. I'll be back...