Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bandsaw 34 - Prepping for wheel balancing

It's not a good idea to balance the wheel as it is...on it's 25 mm shaft. Bearings of this size have far to much friction so what I do is temporarily mount the wheel onto a smaller set of bearings (10mm) that have a much lower (relative) friction.

I don’t have any small bearing left so we had to 'borrow' the pair of thrust bearing from the lower blade guide assembly.

Above: OK we have a couple of small bearings, now to find a shaft.

A large Philips head screwdriver will do nicely.

Slip the wheel on and check that it's sitting evenly on the two smaller nearings.

Screwdriver clamped down and the wheel mounted on the smaller bearings, we can now proceed with the actual balancing.

Back soon...

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Looking for the Wi-Fi Chicken Doors?

Stay tuned... over the next few days I will be catch-up posting the Wi-Fi chicken Doors. Oh... and my Wi-Fi Bird Feeder. I'll be back...