Once there was three...Cara guarding our first Silkie chooks.
Right - Snowflake died April 2005
Centre - Trixie Belle is still with us
Purchased this about 5 years ago at Bunnings for I think around $60. This is the third unit; the first two were exchanged within months of each other because of lance problems. Since then this third unit has performed well and I have had it long enough now that I am ahead and don’t really care that GMC is kuput.
This is a very basic unit, the only accessory is a detergent dispenser - it is useful.
Product Features
Purchased this in November 2005. Noisy fan from day one and some issues initially mapping drives.
Purchased this from ALDI in August 2015 and earlier this year it stopped working. I have been dealing all year with the left eyeball and poo...